PTSD Treatment

Finally, recovery for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories Protocol (RTM) is a clinical breakthrough in PTSD treatment.  RTM eliminates the symptoms of PTSD by restructuring its traumatic imagery.  No drugs or costly equipment are necessary, and the procedure can be completed in less than five hours in a normal therapy room, while the recipients are completely relaxed and comfortable.

RTM Protocol is brief, requiring 3-4 individual therapy sessions of 90 minutes each, during which the client sits in a comfortable chair and projects imaginary pictures onto an imagined movie screen using specific, systematic steps that separate the traumatic memories from their traumatic  feelings.  The sessions require no homework or practice outside the therapy sessions.  The RTM Protocol is a client friendly method designed so that clients stay comfortable and relax throughout the entire protocol, and especially while guided through the steps that reconfigure traumatic imagery.  Its non-traumatizing focus is a standout feature of the RTM Protocol and ensures both client and clinician move forward making quick, safe, timely progress.

Whether you’re a combat veteran or a person who has experienced sexual or childhood abuse or other traumas, there is now RTM Protocol, a clinical breakthrough in PTSD treatment, which can help you tremendously and in a relatively short period of time.

For more information about RTM Protocol, check out a free podcast called:  Life After PTSD, or contact us by clicking here

We accept the following insurance providers:

Private Pay is available for those without insurance.